As 2015 comes to a close, it's time for me to start a new chapter. This week was my last at Maintainn, a WordPress support and maintenance service that I founded in 2012. As many of you know, Maintainn was acquired by WebDevStudios in 2014 and we've been spending the last year building the team
My friend – John Hawkins
As promised, but a little late I know - the first post in my series "My WordPress Friends" is here. For those that don't know, I'm going to be posting weekly (hopefully) about all of my WordPress friends. The posts are not going to be long, so don't be looking for a novel - just some information
My WordPress Friends
So, I'm going to be starting a new blog series entitled "My WordPress Friends". This isn't going to be anything super complicated or special really, just a series highlighting friends that I've made in the WordPress community since I've gotten involved. Like any community (not WP specifically),
A new chapter
It's 2013 and another chapter has started for me - I am now part of WebDevStudios! I am excited to announce that I am the new Technical Project Manager at WebDevStudios and I'm joining an incredible team of WordPress professionals. There have been a lot of changes at WDS lately and I'm proud to
Managed WordPress Support & Maintenance
Today I'd like to introduce you to my new service - Maintainn. I've been involved with WordPress since 2006 and while I've done development/design work I've always been involved in the support area. I like support as it gives me a chance to solve problems while also teaching others and I'm good at
Genesis AgentPress Featured Image & Thumbnails
So I'm working on a real estate site and obviously wanted to use AgentPress from StudioPress but I found a couple of things that I'd like to work a little better/more automated - a featured image and thumbnails on the listing page. On the listing page you have to insert a main image and then can
WordCamp Phoenix 2011
So it's pretty obvious I don't blog as much as I probably should, but this is my site so whatever, right?! Anyway, to get things sort of caught up, I've been busy. 9seeds has been busy, thus the lack of posting...just working going on here. But this weekend I'll be at WordCamp Phoenix and thought
WordPress Twitter Archive
So...I read a cool article last week about creating a Twitter archive using WordPress at and thought that it sounded like a great idea as I would like to "own" all of my tweets and have them in MY database....just because I can I suppose. So, first I'll say that this is a great article,