Our household does not have cable TV and commercials are a thing of the past around here, so I really had no expectations going into the theater this past weekend to see The Lego Movie. I had heard some buzz around it and that the movie was great, but I had no idea what it was about except that it
Iphone5 – My Review
So, the iPhone5... I have to admit I might have used some link bait on the title but I really think this needs to be read. So yeah, I have not received my iPhone5 yet and this is not a "review" as you may have thought - so you can go ahead and browse away now if you'd like. I woke up around
Move WordPress To a New Server
So...I've had a several requests on how to move a WordPress installation to a new server, so I decided to make a post about it and show you how to do it. This is going to be a lengthy post, but if you will follow the directions you will have no issues moving your site. First off, there are many
Make a WordPress Blog Page
Today I'm going to tell you how to make a blog page for your WordPress site. WordPress already has this functionality built in obviously, but if you have your homepage set to a static page, then sometimes you will lose your "blog" page. You'll notice that when you do select your static homepage in
Tweet This Plugin
Have you ever been on a site and wanted to Tweet the post that you were reading? If so, you know that you have to take the URL and plug it into "Tiny URL" or something similar (unless you want to use up some of your 140 characters for the URL) and then go to Twitter and make your Tweet. Well,